The King's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2024

Contact Haystack Dryers on

+44 (0)1202 890705

or contact us here


1. Can your dryers be used in any country?

We supply and install Haystack Dryers in 38 countries across Europe, America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.  They work in all weather  - especially hot countries!

2. What power does the unit take?

Please see are Technical page for all dryer specifications.  If you have specific requirements then please let us know and we will configure accordingly.

3. Can I get the dryer in my facility?

The dryer stands 250cm high (98.4"). Its base is 200cm wide (78.7") by 144cm deep (56.7").  If access is a concern we can deliver the dryer in sections to get into almost any location.

4. What activation methods are available?

We can set the dryers to activate via virtually any means including cash, credit card, cash/credit combo, RFID, magnetic swipe, barcode, push button, proximity, pressure sensor, coupons, key cards or set to free.

5. Is it ADA / DAA compliant?

Absolutely - Our Dryers can be recessed into the floor to allow stepless entry.  We can supply you with architect's drawings for the slab recess to suit the dryer. Alternatively you can build a ramp to the dryer.

6. Do you theme the dryers?

We do not provide themeing as our customers usually have much more experience in this than us! 

7. What colors do they come in?

We can supply the dryers in up to 20,000 different color combinations. Just pick a standard RAL color for outside, and one for inside.

8. How do we install them?

We carry out the installation of all our dryers - all you need to do is prepare a flat or recessed base and provide the power for the dryers. We will then carry out the installation of the dryer for you. This takes typically around 6 hours to complete.

9. Are they safe to run outside?

Yes absolutely. Just keep them clean and free of debris, try not to hose water directly into the dryer. They are designed to work outside, all year round. 

10. I do not know if I can afford the Dryer cost, are there any other purchase offers?

We do have a limited revenue share program available to qualified customers. Contact our UK or US office for details.

11. Will I need to service the dryer?

We offer a warranty and service option. The only on site service we recommend you do is change the filters approx once per year.

12. How heavy are the dryers?

The dryers weigh approximately 350kgs (750lbs)

13. Do you have reference sites where I can see the dryer operating?

Yes we have and extensive customer base and can always make arrangement for you to view a dryer.

Contact Haystack Dryers on

+44 (0)1202 890705

or contact us here

Download our 2016 brochure


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Experience UK - Member IAPPA Member World Waterpark Association Safecontractor Approved The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2016 Blooloop Ales UK

Worldwide Head Office (UK)  |  t. +44 (0) 1202 890 705 e. e.
North American Office  |  t. +1 615 216 6046 e.